How Does it Feel

Friday, September 7, 2012

Ab Workouts

Due to the large interest shown in my last workout post, I will further elaborate on some workouts that I use to improve my core. Now before we even hit the gym or wherever you train, its essential that you have a healthy diet than can support protein growth. It isn't necessary that you eat only meat and eggs and cut of anything classified as junky, but to provide muscles with proper nutrients, it is best to limit "junk foods."
For the insane hardcore workout fanatics, here is a workout diet you can follow:

Weight Lifting Days
    Meal one - Healthy, high fiber cereal then multi-vitamin/mineral
    Meal two - Trioplex Bar and orange or grapefriut
    Meal three - lean meat (chicken, tuna, turkey, or turkey burger) and green veggies or green salad and complex carb (two slices whole grain bread, sweet potato, or brown rice)
    Meal four - handful of raw almonds and an apple or pear
    Meal five - (dinner) lean white meat or fish (not fried) w/green veggies or green salad
    Meal six - Protein Diet Bar

Non-Weight Lifting Days

    Meal one - oatmeal w/a little honey and three egg whites then multi-vitamin/mineral
    Meal two - Protein Diet Bar and apple or pear
    Meal three - lean meat (chicken, tuna, or turkey) and green veggies or green salad
    Meal four - handful of raw almonds
    Meal five - (dinner) lean white meat or fish (not fried) w/green veggies or green salad
    Meal six - Protein Diet Bar
Other activities that help get the ideal set of abs are cardiovascular activities that last about 30 minutes or just sitting up straight. Anything that forces the abs to work is considered helpful. 

Some at home exercises that you can do are included in the following video called Ab Ripper X

Here is the second part to the video.

Other useful links are posted below. Tell me how this new and improved method works out for you, no pun intended. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Stocks for September 2012

Here is a quick recap on what stocks at an extremely good buy heading in 2012.

Goldfield Corp. (GV) - Up 820%
  • Electrical construction and the real estate development business activities
Threshold Pharmaceuticals Inc. (THLD) - Up 577%

  • Biotechnology company based on the discovery and development of therapeutics based on Tumor Hypoxia, a powerful scientific platform that offers broad  potential to treat most tumors.
Recon Technology, Ltd. (RCON) - Up 533%
  • Based in China, it is one of the oil services industry leader in the fields of oil exploration, mining, and processing.
BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (BDSI) - Up 515%
  • Specially pharmaceutical company with a focus in the areas of pain management and addiction medicine
REEDS, Inc. (REED) - Up 471%
  • Manufactures naturally brewed sodas
Medgenics, Inc. (MDGN) - Up 412%
  • Develops a unique sustained-action therapeutic protein delivery technology for the treatment of a range of chronic diseases.
Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ARNA) - Up 395%

  • Biopharmaceutical company that develops oral medications
These companies will likely sustain their growth for the remainder of the year because the provide indispensable services like medicine and oil. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


Notorious for being a long and boring standardized test, the SAT ruins the summers of millions of students throughout America. Along with GPA and extracurriculars, the SAT is a large factor in determining one's chances of getting into college. So with such stakes on the line, students go crazy over this test. They try to memorize every word and learn all the possible grammar rules. I fell victim to this obsession and wasted a large portion of my summer practicing and trying to master my critical reading skills. Some tips that I picked up along the way include:

  • For the essay section, come into the test knowing what examples you are going to use for each type of prompt. For instance, if there is a prompt about rebelling against government, you might come prepared with a 1984 or Gandhi example. Here are a list of types of essays that you might want to brainstorm examples for:
  • Nothing improves critical reading skills more than practice. This section is something that cannot be taught because it requires analyzing skills and the ability to pick out important details from a passage. Practice helps you recognize the meaning behind what the author is actually saying and remove and answer choice traps that collegeboard sets.
  • Math may seem like the easiest section, but a couple mistakes can drop the score about 50-60 points due to the ridiculous curve. Even though you may think like you got the right answer, make sure you are answering what the question is asking. Collegeboard always throws in words like NOT that make the obvious answer incorrect.
  • Writing is by far the least stressing section in the test and the student can take his or her time, but grammar can become extremely tricky. Collegeboard uses every single grammar rule that exists and hides mistakes in sentences that seem correct when they are said. The only way to find these errors is to know the grammar rules which I have attached to this post.                                                 
So the SAT hopefully seems somewhat easier with this basic information. I find it hilarious how rich collegeboard must be from all the fees from SAT testing and AP testing. In short, corporations are leeching our money to improve our education. 

On another less educational note, here are the memes that I promised I would always upload and I shall also start keeping you guys updated on us politics and the stock market.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wall Street Protests and Stock Market Options

Numerous political events occurred this week. To start us off, lets talk about the conflicts throughout America about the occupy movement. People are enraged at how inconsiderate banks are being and want the 99% to be represented. The New York Times states "The signs seemed to point toward the end of Occupy Wall Street. The day after the city stripped the protesters encamped in Lower Manhattan of their generators and fuel, the Northeast was hit with a bone-chilling snowstorm that blanketed their tents and tarps with sleet and ice, and left at least one protester hospitalized with hypothermia." Read the rest here

Another interesting dispute is that of Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's doctor, and whether he killed the musical sensation with a lethal dose of medicine. His lawyers argue that Jackson was already addicted to drugs while Jackson's family say that Murray had his intentions. Why is it that every time a celebrity is accused of taking drugs or dies, their doctors are immediately put on trial. Now on to the stocks and the top three to watch and some to avoid.
LinkedIn: This social site for professionals has its revenue doubled since first quarter and it is said that it will raise up to $500 million in another stock sale.
Starbucks: Coffee gave a fiscal 2012 outlook below analysts' expectations as it expects rise in commodity costs.
CBS: Due to its new online streaming partnerships, its revenue rose 2% to $3.37 billion.

Google: Its alternating search algorithm to produce relevant search content is challenged by Facebook and Twitter. The stock has been steadily declining, but we all know that it is a sure long term buy.
Bank of New York Mellon: This bank is negotiating with federal prosecutors to resolve a civil suit over currency trades that could pave the way to settlements of $2 billion in lawsuits.
Alcatel-Lucent: As another technology company, its third quarter profits are being cut due the uncertainty of the euro in Europe.

This has been all the serious news stuff. Now I would like to show you guys some more funny gifs or videos.


patrick star gif

And lastly a TROLL ERROR
Funny Gif
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Wall Street Protests and Stock Market Options

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Is the Iphone 4s Worth It?

The iPhone 4s is another one of apple's advancements, but is it really worth buying? The new additions include a Dual-Core A5 chip which enhances performance and graphics, an 8 megapixel camera and 1080p HD video recording and a voice command system called Siri
But people have already discovered some bugs which include battery life problems which is puzzling all apple engineers. . Another factor is the iPhone 5 whose release date is a tentative spring. This phone will have 4G LTE features and a faster processor, potentially A6. So should people wait half an year and stick with the iPhone 4, or should they jump onto the Apple bandwagon and buy the iPhone 4s. Another option is an Android phone which ranges from an HTC, LG, Samsung, Nexus and Motorola. Android beats Apple in mobile app downloads and has massed more purchases overall. 
Android winning the iOS app. sales battle
I would go with Android because the market is better and it has equal functionality without many bugs. Another techonlogical debate is the purchase of a tablet. Here are some reasons why you might think of getting an Ipad or Kindle Fire.
1. They make great e-readers with legible text and portability.
2. Act like a second laptop with sufficient hard drive.
3. Unlike computers, they don't crash and can work with 3G networks.
4. Can be used in meetings or presentations for sharing statistics or photos.
Now some reasons not buy another hunk of metal.
1. What is the point of getting a tablet and a smartphone? They aren't any more portable, they just have that big touch screen.
2. Games like WOW and Battlefield are reserved for PC usage because only a computer has enough RAM.
3. A newer tablet will continue to come out, making yours seem like trash.
4. Can't render any useful programs like photoshop or eclipse.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Economic Crisis

Every where on the news, you always hear updates on how american citizens are protesting against the government for the economic inequality. There has also been circulation about Obama pulling troops out of places like Iraq and Afghanistan. This article however explains that these feuds will never be justified or ended. A topic that links in with all of this and is the foundation of most wars is the possession of nuclear weapons. The main reason countries keep them is because they believe in the philosophy of deterrence. Now my words don't mean much, but the only way to ensure our existence is to disarm these weapons because deterrence will soon be inapplicable. This pdf explains this issue and a resolution in depth.  I would also like to introduce a new portion of my blog: Daily stock turnouts. It is essential for people to know how are economy is when some believe we are heading into another recession. So my top picks of the day are...
1. Oil: Companies like AGU and DOW are prospering because this resource is becoming more and more scarce and people are becoming increasingly dependent on cars.
2. HPQ: After hitting an all time low in September and abandoning its tabloid market, HP is on the rise with newer and faster computers.
3. Gold: The price of this metal has been slowly increasing since august and it is a great stock to sell short.
4. MSFT,AAPL,AMZN: All these companies are long term buys because they prosper when they release a new product. For example, amazon sparked when Kindle Fire was released.
This week has been a great week for all the indexes for the jumped about 5% higher than their average. Another big event that  took place today was the final game of the World Series. After an intense game 6 where the St.Louis Cardinals made a comeback, they managed to close out the Texas Rangers in a overwhelming defeat. Finally I would like to show you some pictures hilarious GIFS and pictures that are meant to lighten up a tough day.