How Does it Feel

Friday, October 28, 2011

Economic Crisis

Every where on the news, you always hear updates on how american citizens are protesting against the government for the economic inequality. There has also been circulation about Obama pulling troops out of places like Iraq and Afghanistan. This article however explains that these feuds will never be justified or ended. A topic that links in with all of this and is the foundation of most wars is the possession of nuclear weapons. The main reason countries keep them is because they believe in the philosophy of deterrence. Now my words don't mean much, but the only way to ensure our existence is to disarm these weapons because deterrence will soon be inapplicable. This pdf explains this issue and a resolution in depth.  I would also like to introduce a new portion of my blog: Daily stock turnouts. It is essential for people to know how are economy is when some believe we are heading into another recession. So my top picks of the day are...
1. Oil: Companies like AGU and DOW are prospering because this resource is becoming more and more scarce and people are becoming increasingly dependent on cars.
2. HPQ: After hitting an all time low in September and abandoning its tabloid market, HP is on the rise with newer and faster computers.
3. Gold: The price of this metal has been slowly increasing since august and it is a great stock to sell short.
4. MSFT,AAPL,AMZN: All these companies are long term buys because they prosper when they release a new product. For example, amazon sparked when Kindle Fire was released.
This week has been a great week for all the indexes for the jumped about 5% higher than their average. Another big event that  took place today was the final game of the World Series. After an intense game 6 where the St.Louis Cardinals made a comeback, they managed to close out the Texas Rangers in a overwhelming defeat. Finally I would like to show you some pictures hilarious GIFS and pictures that are meant to lighten up a tough day.

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