How Does it Feel

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wall Street Protests and Stock Market Options

Numerous political events occurred this week. To start us off, lets talk about the conflicts throughout America about the occupy movement. People are enraged at how inconsiderate banks are being and want the 99% to be represented. The New York Times states "The signs seemed to point toward the end of Occupy Wall Street. The day after the city stripped the protesters encamped in Lower Manhattan of their generators and fuel, the Northeast was hit with a bone-chilling snowstorm that blanketed their tents and tarps with sleet and ice, and left at least one protester hospitalized with hypothermia." Read the rest here

Another interesting dispute is that of Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's doctor, and whether he killed the musical sensation with a lethal dose of medicine. His lawyers argue that Jackson was already addicted to drugs while Jackson's family say that Murray had his intentions. Why is it that every time a celebrity is accused of taking drugs or dies, their doctors are immediately put on trial. Now on to the stocks and the top three to watch and some to avoid.
LinkedIn: This social site for professionals has its revenue doubled since first quarter and it is said that it will raise up to $500 million in another stock sale.
Starbucks: Coffee gave a fiscal 2012 outlook below analysts' expectations as it expects rise in commodity costs.
CBS: Due to its new online streaming partnerships, its revenue rose 2% to $3.37 billion.

Google: Its alternating search algorithm to produce relevant search content is challenged by Facebook and Twitter. The stock has been steadily declining, but we all know that it is a sure long term buy.
Bank of New York Mellon: This bank is negotiating with federal prosecutors to resolve a civil suit over currency trades that could pave the way to settlements of $2 billion in lawsuits.
Alcatel-Lucent: As another technology company, its third quarter profits are being cut due the uncertainty of the euro in Europe.

This has been all the serious news stuff. Now I would like to show you guys some more funny gifs or videos.


patrick star gif

And lastly a TROLL ERROR
Funny Gif
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