How Does it Feel

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Animal Rights Debate

I read something on Science Daily that is truly horrific
I'm not going to preach about how you shouldn't drive because it pollutes our environment, but I just want to notify you that if we proceed at this rate, their will be massive flooding. This means that areas along the coast will be partially or completely destroyed. Another political issue that I debated about today with some friends was Obama's culpability for our economic crisis. The two stands were as follows: Its all bush and those republicans faults or Obama isn't taking any action. I would like to show this video that exemplifies how anything Obama proposes will be rejected.
Please reply with what you think of this predicament. For anyone who does Lincoln-Douglas debate, doesn't the revolution favor the negative? "Justice requires the recognition of animal rights" So if the affirmative  argues we shouldn't hunt or test on them, the negative can simply refute by saying that expanding their rights limits our food supply and potential cures to diseases. I have a couple of documents with tons of cards for this resolution. Please feel free to download them off the following link:

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